@binance will support the Injective Volan Mainnet Upgrade. Read More.

11 Jan 2024, 07:52
. @binance will support the Injective Volan Mainnet Upgrade. Read More

Same news in other sources

InjectiveINJ #33
11 Jan 2024, 19:16
Injective has released its largest mainnet upgrade to date, Volan, ushering in a new age of RWAs, institutional adoption, scalability, and Web3 finance 🚀 The upgrade enables the Injective ecosystem to grow faster than ever before.
Injective has released its largest mainnet upgrade to date, Volan, ushering in a new age of RWAs, institutional adoption, scalab
Injective has released its largest mainnet upgrade to date, Volan, ushering in a new age of RWAs, institutional adoption, scalability, and Web3 finance 🚀 The upgrade enables the Injective ecosystem to grow faster than ever before.